Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What dog's do when their board!

OK, with Remington it was ash out of the BBQ. With Ouzo it is any thing you might find in a sleeping bag/blanket/comfortable dog bed that is fluffy and cottony. You may not be able to see it all that well in the picture but all of the white stuff you see is the INNARDS of Ouzo's doggy bed.
Not only is it bad enough that I have to chase him around the house trying to get a half eaten chunk of fluff from the sleeping bag out of his mouth, but then the real joy comes when I go on turd patrol in the back yard. You guessed it, half poo half cotton turds are all over! Yeesh! Sad I know. My life has come down to picking up cotton turds in my back yard every Saturday. Before you say it out loud I will say it for you, I'm pathetic!
Imagine my surprise to arrive home to this little treat! That damn bed was $60.00 and he hasn't even had it a week! I sure can't wait for the foam to cycle through! That will be sweet!
Aren't dumb ass dogs great!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rod's, Hog's and Rig's 2009!

Rod's, Hog's and Rig's 2009 has come and gone and let me tell you what a blast it was. We had a lot better turnout then what we expected and it was a ton of fun. This car show was an event that the Kenworth Activities committee, which a I proudly serve on, put together to benefit the students of Stansburry Elementary a title one school in West Valley. I have been so blessed to have become involved with this school and to be able to be part of a large company who gives back to it's community. It's a wonderful thing.I also want to thank Neil, Julynne, Ed, Darcee, Eddie and Skyler who all entered vehicles in the show and donated money to support our cause.
Ed and Darcee went so far as to make arrangements to drop their car off and enter it in the show while they worked. Their kind heartedness paid off when their Yukon was used as the backdrop for the interview with Channel 4 news. I am totally jealous, how cool is that! Even though you missed the show you both were with us in spirit.Believe it or not Skylers bike got a ton of looks and was very well received, the kids loved it. It was a last minute decision to enter it and I am glad we did.
Thanks for all of your love and support. I already can't wait for next year!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Shrub Trimmer 1 Remmington 0

Have you ever wanted to do something but your inner voice screams at you not too? I had one of those experiences this weekend. Even though we didn't really have the money, Friday night DeEtte and I talked about putting an exhaust on the G8 on Saturday. After sleeping on it Friday night and thinking about it Saturday morning we both decided that we had better pay off the wheels and tires and then go and get the exhaust. Sounds reasonable right? Wrong! Instead of going to get the exhaust put on like we had planed we instead decided that DeEtte would go out and trim the shrubs and I would take a nap. Sounded like a pretty good deal to me. So that's what we did. I layed down and DeEtte went out side with the dogs to trim the shrubs. I have to preface what happened next by telling you that Remmy hates most motorized tools especially vacuums and you guessed it, the shrub trimmer.
As I slept peacefully I was soon awoke by the sound of my wife screaming by my bedside to the top of her lungs yelling "wake up! We have a problem here!". As I rustled out of my slumber I yelled "what is it, what is it!". She then jammed Remmy into my face yelling "I cut off her nose, I cut off her nose!" Remmy vaguely resembled the Red Nosed Reindeer but with out the nose, blood was every where. "Take her to the Vet I yelled!" I have never seen that woman move so fast. Purse in one hand dog bleeding to death in the other. I was trying to get ready to go with her but she left me.
Long story short it took six stitches to sew the tip of Remmys nose back on and we renamed her "Coney Girl". The sad part is, we would have been money a head if we just would have went and put the exhaust on the car. Damn dogs!